Time-sharing is a formula lets you purchase an immovable property’s right of user during an exact period of the year for ever. Usually, this formula is used in tourist places: here purchasing a whole apartment, or an hotel stay, is rather expensive. So, Time-sharing lets you purchase “holiday’s amount” you need, during the period you prefer, in the apartment you choose according to your needs. Timeshared apartments are managed by a company which looks after cleaning service, changing linen, checking-in/out all units, making ordinary and extra repairs; to let all of this happen, owner pays management’s fees yearly. Time-sharing formula helps people who want to spend their holidays “at own home”, without locking up considerable sums of money to purchase an apartment they’ll use just some days yearly; besides, they could rely on someone who looks after their home all year by reasonable cost.
Property of Italian time-sharing is fixed by notarial deed; it follows that this property is formally registered in Registry of Deeds. This transaction involves an higher cost, but notarial deed warrants lawful property of your period. According to Italian law, the purchaser could rescind the contract within 10 days after have signed; besides the purchaser will have fidejussionary guarantee about building still in construction or in restoration.
Time-sharing lets make affiliation to international exchange system; co-owners put down in this system their period and then exchange it with a different one, located in a different resort, in any country in the world. So, it’s possible changing own holidays every year! Perle Veneziane is affiliated to RCI system.